Thursday, 19 September 2013

Small Japanese Projects Meeting - 25 September

Meeting is from 10 am until 12 noon. Here is a message from convener Wendy:

Hi everyone

Sashiko is what we are looking at this month.

I have been having a lovely time selecting magazines, patterns and books to bring to inspire you. We'll look at both machine and hand-stitched sashiko, and we'll look at ways to use finished sashiko pieces.

Bring your sashiko along, whether finished pieces/quilts, or clothing, or kits or pre marked fabric that you haven't yet started. Some of you have brought sashiko pieces to previous meetings - please bring them again.

If you made the small kimono project Edith demonstrated last month, I'd love to see them, too.

The aim is for you to go away inspired!

See you next week.

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